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Take advantage of this service paid for by Wheatland County. Rosebud Paperback Deposit is a branch of the Marigold Library System. Residents do not require a library card to borrow from a paperback deposit, which includes best sellers. Gently used books may be donated by community members.

It consists of numerous bestsellers that the local community are able to take out on the honour system provided that they return in a reasonable time period. Information is also provided on how to access the library database and there is internet access for looking up information and to order books online.

Rosebud Paperback Deposit is located in the Rosebud Centennial Museum lobby right across from the Rosebud Mercantile and Merry Merchant Gift Shop. During most of the year it is open while the Museum is open during the meal portion of Rosebud Theatre's schedule. See here exact schedule by clicking on current show's link or phone Bonita 403-820-2870 to meet her there. During the summer it is open most days as well as every evening the theatre show is on.

See below for more information


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